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Serving Opportunities at Calvary Baptist Church
There are many ways to serve here at Calvary. Whether it's joining one of our church cleaning crews, helping with maintenance needs in the building or joining our mowing, landscaping, or snow removal teams, there are plenty of opportunities available to those who are willing to serve. Additionally, several times throughout the year we have church-wide, service events that include spring and fall cleaning days, a leaf raking day, and other special service opportunities as needs arise. There are also opportunities to serve in our welcome ministries as a greeter, usher, or volunteer to host guests in your home for a meal and time of fellowship.

List of Available Ministry Options



Children & Youth**


​​Nursery/Toddler Care

Providing care for children, birth through three years old, during Sunday School and worship services is a vital ministry for our congregation. Along with mothers who have children within these ages, it takes many additional volunteers to staff the nursery and toddler care properly. Schedules are given to those who choose to serve.


Preschool/Children’s Sunday School

Teaching our children about a relationship with our heavenly Father is of utmost importance. Deuteronomy 31:12 is a biblical mandate for teaching children in the church setting. We begin laying a foundation in the younger Preschool classes by teaching through songs, Bible stories, and the Baptist catechism for children. We build on that with the older children through 6th grad. Our children memorize Scripture, continue learning Bible stories, continue learning Baptist catechism, and apply these truths to their lives. Women who love children are needed as teachers and substitutes in the Preschool and Children's Sunday School classes.


Children’s Church

Much like the instruction during the Sunday School hour, children’s church is provided during the morning service for children Pre-K through 2nd grade. Helpers are needed to tell Bible stories, serve snacks, supervise games and  play time, oversee Scripture memory, lead singing, play the piano and teach the children. The main purpose of children’s church is to provide a church experience appropriate for children, prepare children for regular church services as they get older, free parents and guests to concentrate on the message in the service, and provide a release of energy after being in the Sunday School hour.


Calvary Kids

Calvary Kids is our Wednesday evening program for children. It centers on teaching children the Scriptures and helping them memorize the Scriptures. This ministry requires administrators, class leaders, game leaders, and numerous others. The program runs from September to May. The summer program runs from June to August and focuses on teaching the children about missions. Workers for the same roles mentioned above are needed for this ministry.


Youth Activity Helpers

Throughout the year the teens participate in a variety of activities, service projects, mission trips, etc. Adult supervisors are always needed to help with the teens. This ministry is an informal way of influencing the lives of teenagers for Christ.


Youth Sunday School

Sharing the Word of God with students every week is the call of this team. Usually, the teen boys are taught by a teaching team of two men and the girls by a teaching team of two women. Training and mentoring by the pastor is required prior to serving in this ministry. Pastor will approach potential teachers.


**All children and youth workers must complete the “Child’s Protection Seminar” and fill out information for a background check.



Fine Arts & Creative Skills

​​Bulletin Boards

In the building, there are various bulletin boards that contain information (i.e. our missionary bulletin boards) or encouraging messages for people to read.


Decorating for Special Events

For special occasions (i.e. weddings) and seasons (i.e. Christmas) we are in need of helpers to decorate the building.



Throughout the year, we have various dramas, dramatic readings or puppet presentations (i.e. Christmas, Easter, VBS). We need actors, interpretive readers and puppeteers.


Floral Arranging

Throughout the building, particularly in the auditorium, floral arrangements are put out for decoration. These arrangements rotate depending on the season or event.


Interior Design

Periodically, rooms in the church building need a fresh look. If you have an eye for interior design your skills can be greatly used.



If God has blessed you with a photographer’s eyes and a good digital camera, you can be apart of this team that takes pictures at all important church events.


Props, Decorating, Set-up

Some of the dramas or puppet presentations put on during the year need sets or props to be designed and painted. Skills in woodworking and painting are needed for this ministry. 


Cleaning, Grounds & Maintenance

Building Maintenance

Volunteers help with maintenance needs in the building (plumbing, electrical, painting, repair work, carpentry, HVAC, mechanical repairs, etc.). There are always things that need to be repaired, set up or replaced. Your involvement whether for a one time project or on a consistent basis is always greatly appreciated.


Church-Wide Clean Up Days

In the spring and fall each year we set aside a Saturday to give the church building some extra attention. We clean up and repair items both inside and outside the building. Many, many workers are always needed.


Cleaning Ministry

Every week various cleaning duties are assigned to members on a rotating schedule. We are always in need of willing workers who will clean up the building before Sunday services.

​​Mowing, Landscaping, Flowers

In the warmer months, landscaping workers are needed to mow, trim shrubbery, plant flowers and in general, make the church property look nice.


Snow Removal

One of the joys of living in Connecticut is getting snow in the winter. Volunteers for shoveling or snow-blowing are always needed. These volunteers help clear sidewalks at the church building and/or help the elderly in our church clear their driveways.



Mercy & Helps


Baptism Preparation

Men and women are needed to help in the baptistry rooms as candidates prepare and are baptized.


Hosting Special Guests

Occasionally we have special guests (i.e. speakers, missionaries or other groups) that need housing while they are visiting with us.


Meals Ministry

The deacon wives help organize meals for shut-ins, those who are sick or those recovering from medical issues. Also, on occasion food collections are taken up for members or attendees of Calvary Baptist. The whole church body is encouraged to sign up to provide meals for those in need.


Mercy Ministries

Throughout the year there are various opportunities to serve those in need in our community. This may mean contributing food to the Windsor Locks food pantry, organizing and sending care packages to U.S. soldiers or going to a homeless shelter to serve food. Christ commands us to show mercy to those in need.


Note Writing

A note to those who are going through a difficult time can be a great encouragement. If you like to write notes and build up others, this could be a great ministry for you. Pastor can make suggestions if you need help getting started.


Shut-in/Hospital Visitation

Some of our members have health difficulties and cannot easily leave their homes. They are “shut-in.” As the church, we desire to reach out to encourage these individuals. Also, it is important that we visit those who are hospitalized. This mercy ministry can greatly lift the spirits of those struggling physically.


Washing Towels and Linens

For various events and ministries (i.e. nursery) towels, linens, or table cloths need to be washed.



If you are willing to drive individuals to church services or other church activities, please let our pastor know.



Office & Administrative


Adult Bible Classes - Record Keeping

To keep people connected we need accurate information. One person in each adult Bible class handles that along with attendance on Sunday mornings.


Archives Ministry

This ministry seeks to catalog, label and organize pictures and information concerning the history and current life of our church. If you enjoy scrap-booking this may be the ideal ministry for you.



This ministry functions to provide Bibles, books and music for the church family. Workers assist those browsing and and handle payment by those purchasing these resources.


Bulletin Preparation

Each week Sunday's bulletin is prepared by various workers. If you have an editor's eye or are willing to help fold bulletins, you may want to be a part of this team.


Office Assistance

The daily operation of the church requires a variety of office tasks to be completed. If you would like to help in the office talk to pastor. The following tasks are typical for office operation: Filing, organizing, record-keeping, mailing, reception, telephone work, word processing, and data entry.


Outreach & Teaching


Adult Bible Classes (ABC) Teacher

Our ABC teachers accurately teach the Word of God and apply it to life. Training and mentoring by the pastor is required prior to serving in this ministry. Pastor will approach potential teachers.

Emailing Missionaries

A great way to keep in contact with the missionaries we support is to periodically email them. Often our Adult Bible Classes will assign two or three missionaries to their class members to write emails to on a rotating basis.


Flyer Distribution/Prayer Walks

We periodically go into various neighborhoods in our community to distribute flyers. We need volunteers to distribute this literature and pray as they walk in these targeted areas.


General Outreach Ministries

We desire to be an evangelistic presence in our community and in our world. We seek to accomplish the Great Commission in a variety of ways in addition to the ones listed below. Consider being involved in new outreaches or ongoing outreaches not listed below. Of course, your informal sharing of the Gospel with friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances and neighbors is always needed.


Golf Outreach

Each summer the men and ladies of our church enjoy a golf outing with the purpose of inviting our non-Christian friends and family to join us. Workers are needed to help with food and the organization of the event. Also, donations for prizes are always needed.


Gospel Clubs

During the school year, we minister to the children in our community through Gospel Clubs. We need teachers and workers who will go to area public schools to hold after-school clubs that teach gospel truth. Various schools in Windsor Locks and Windsor have allowed us to hold these clubs and many children attend.


International Mission Teams

Periodically we send teams or individuals overseas to preach, witness, serve, help with building needs and encourage our missionaries. If you have a heart for world missions and time to make the trip, then let Pastor know.


Missions Committee

This committee meets regularly to help execute the plan pastor has for CBC missions.  It involves planning mission events, mission trips, and other mission related tasks.


N.E.W. (Neighbors Evangelizing by Welcoming) Ministry

This type of servant evangelism targets new move-ins and new parents. When people move into a community they can be looking for a church. Likewise, when parents have children they often feel a new sense of responsibility to bring up their children in a church. In both instances, we prepare a welcome packet (for new move-ins as well as new parents). We need workers who are willing to go to the homes of these new move-ins and new parents and simply drop off a gift packet. This is a low-pressure home visit. The purpose of the visit is to simply and graciously welcome new move-ins or congratulate new parents. The packets have gifts as well as church information, although the purpose of the visit is not to put pressure to attend. The purpose is to make a warm and gracious visit. The response by people is always positive – hostile door visits do not happen. We come bearing gifts and people appreciate it. Besides those who make home visits we need helpers who will prepare the gift packets and do the research of looking up new move-ins and new parents.


Nursing Home Ministry

On an ongoing basis we minister to different nursing homes in the area. Workers are needed to preach, give testimonies, play instruments, sing and be an encouragement to those in the nursing homes.


Publicity/Public Relations

If you enjoy getting the word out about our church, consider overseeing or helping with an advertisement (i.e. press releases).


Regional Mission Teams

Periodically, mission teams go to help out church planters in New England and New York. These teams minister through singing, preaching, distributing tracts/church literature, and by helping with building repairs and needs. These trips are not only a blessing to the church planters in the region but also great times of fellowship.


Servant Evangelism

In a variety of ways we seek to let our community know we care about it. We want our community to know we are here to serve. This may mean handing out cold water bottles or balloons to children at a community parade. Or, our caring could be expressed by giving free car washes (no strings attached and no donations accepted). We want people to know we care. This caring attitude will often lead to opportunities to share the Gospel.



Technology & Sound

CD Ministry

This ministry focuses on duplicating and distributing the teaching and preaching of our church on CDs for those who prefer CDs over downloading sermons from the internet.


Computer Systems/Website Development

This team exists to mange and develop our church’s presence and witness for the Gospel and edification of Christians through the internet. Strong computer skills are required. Knowledge of “HTML” programming is a great plus as well.


Information Technology

Throughout the church building there are a variety of computers performing various functions. Also, various ministries use computers. People with knowledge of computers and how they function are needed to keep these up to date.


Sound Technicians/System Operation/Video Projection

This ministry exists to support our worship services by operating and maintaining all of the technical equipment which allows our congregation to hear and see everything with clarity and without distraction. Frequency of service varies with the number of currently trained operators. Team members should have a minimum familiarity with computers and electronics.



Hospitality & Fellowship


One-on-one or Small Group Discipleship

The Great Commission of Christ urges us to be disciples who make disciples. Whether in one on one settings or in small groups we desire for all members to be involved in disciple-making. Training is provided before someone becomes a mentor to others. Men make disciples of other men and women of other women. The type of discipleship material used depends on the goals in mind. Some discipleship is evangelistic in nature while other forms of discipleship training is to build believers up in doctrine or in Bible study skills. Please speak with Pastor if you are interested.


People seem to connect with each around food and fun. Our fellowship coordinators invite your help for all church fellowships. You can help by setting up, taking down, cooking, and cleaning up. Men and women both are needed for this ministry.

Ladies’ Ministry

This ministry focuses on enriching women’s lives through the Word of God and fellowship. The ladies’ ministry also has a prayer sister system in which the ladies of the church pray for teen girls of the church. Helping hands are always needed for planning and helping out with events.


Men’s Ministry

Our men’s ministry focuses on prayer. Each Friday morning there is a men’s prayer time and each month (last Saturday of the month) there is a men’s prayer breakfast. These times of prayer and fellowship are encouraging times and an important ministry.

Greeters and Ushers

Our ushers and greeters welcome people at each of our entrances on Sundays, distribute materials for our services and meetings, collect offerings, and help with any service needs that arise.


Plug-In Ministry

Our “Plug-In” ministry aims to help guests feel welcomed to our church and eventually assimilate them into the membership of CBC. This is accomplished by members inviting returning guests to their home for a meal and time of fellowship.



Worship & Music

Adult Choir

If you love to sing and have special passion for worship then this ministry is for you. This group rehearses every week (Sundays at 5 p.m.) to lead our congregation in worship.


Children’s Music/Choir

This ministry consists of teachers and workers who direct our children through our children’s music programs. Individuals who love children and music and would like to help children learn the Bible through singing, playing instruments and worship would fit well in this ministry. These choirs range from 3 year old to those in 6th grade.



The Bible tells us not only that we should praise the Lord, but that we should do so with all kinds of instruments. If you play an instrument, now or in the past, there are opportunities for occasional to regular participation in worship. Consider being part of our church orchestra or serving in one of our instrumental groups.


Song Leading

Occasionally male song leaders are needed to fill in and lead the congregation in corporate worship. Even if you do not know how to lead a congregation in singing yet, but are willing to learn, we would be glad to instruct you.


Teens & Children
Fine Arts & Creative
Cleaning, Grounds & Main.
Mercy & Helps
Office & Admin
Outreach & Teaching
Tech & Sound
Hospitality & Fellowship
Worship & Music
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Since 1956, Calvary Baptist Church has been proclaiming the transforming power of faith in Jesus Christ by teaching the Bible verse by verse in the town of Windsor Locks and the surrounding areas of Connecticut and Massachusetts. 


Calvary Baptist Church

470 Elm Street

Windsor Locks, CT  06096


(860) 623-0319




9:30 A.M.    | Children's Sunday School

 & Adult Bible Class

10:45 A.M. | Morning Worship Service

6:00 P.M.    | Evening Worship Service



7:00 P.M.   | Bible Study/Prayer and Kids Club

© 2019-2025 by Calvary Baptist Church, Windsor Locks, CT

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