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Counseling & Discipleship 

We strongly encourage our fellow brothers and sisters at Calvary Baptist Church to seek out godly counsel from our pastor. We believe that the pastor is spiritually responsible for teaching and guiding his flock as unto the Lord (Acts 20:28). Whether it’s premarital counseling, marriage counseling, parenting advice, leadership advice, or counsel on life decisions, feel free to reach out to him.


Christians ought to be disciples who go and make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). Each believer should be taught how to follow Christ and then turn around and pour what they have learned into other disciples of Christ. Discipleship groups at CBC range in size from one-on-one mentorship to small groups. Some groups are formal classes, such as classes for baptism and church membership. Other groups meet specialized needs like how to study the Bible, marriage and parenting, spiritual leadership, premarital counseling, etc.


What is the Gospel?



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